/* * John Poelstra * Exploring scenario tracking and reporting * 31-MAR-07 */ project poelcat "Scnearios of a Poelcat" "1.0" 2007-04-01 2007-07-01 { # Hide the clock time. # Show only show the date in DAY-MONTH-YEAR format timeformat "%d-%b-%Y" # Based on Eastern time zone in USA timezone "America/New_York" # "plan" scenario is the default scenario in all projects scenario plan "Plan" { # Mark all pathes as critical that have less than 10% slack time. minslackrate 10.0 scenario actual "Actual" } } vacation "Spring Holiday" 2007-04-06 flags important_tasks # the following "task" is important because it wraps the other tasks. # this provides the advantage of having having a total duration in days # calculated for the entire project which is more useful when you are doing # a planned to actual comparison task whole "Scenario Test Drive" { task projstart "Get this project started" { start 2007-04-02 actual:start 2007-04-15 } task step0 "Step zero" { start 2007-04-05 end 2007-04-10 actual:start 2007-04-30 actual:end 2007-05-30 note "nobody is ever on time" } task step1 "Step 1" { depends !projstart duration 3d actual: duration 5d } task steptwo "Step 2" { depends !step1 length 2w actual: length 3w flags important_tasks } task steptres "Step 3" { depends !steptwo duration 5d actual:duration 8d } task step4 "Step 4" { depends !steptres length 1w actual: length 2w flags important_tasks } task step5 "Step 5" { depends !steptres plan: length 1d actual: length 2w flags important_tasks } task paralell "Paralell Step" { start 2007-04-06 duration 4d actual: duration 2d } } ## Reporting ## # By default reports show the "plan" scenario. # If you want to see "actual" you must explicitly specify taskreport "Important only" { columns start, end, duration sorttasks namedown hidetask ~important_tasks # the "~" symbol means "only" } taskreport "Important only-ACTUAL" { columns start, end, duration sorttasks namedown hidetask ~important_tasks # the "~" symbol means "only" scenario actual } taskreport "Tree report-Both" { columns start, end, duration sorttasks tree } taskreport "Tree report--PLANNED" { columns start, end, duration sorttasks tree scenario plan } taskreport "Tree report--ACTUAL" { columns start, end, duration sorttasks tree scenario actual } # Just a very basic report with some standard columns htmltaskreport "SimplePlan.html" { columns hierarchindex, name, start, end, weekly scenarios plan } htmltaskreport "SimpleActual.html" { columns hierarchindex, name, start, end, duration, daily scenarios actual } # Report with custom colum title htmltaskreport "CustomTitle.html" { columns hierarchindex, name { title "Work Item" }, effort } htmltaskreport "SimpleBoth.html" { columns hierarchindex, name, start, end, duration, weekly scenarios plan, actual } # Report with custom colum title and subtitle htmltaskreport "CustomSubTitle.html" { columns hierarchindex, name, monthly { title " " subtitle "$${month} $${year}" } loadunit days } # Report with efforts only for leaf tasks htmltaskreport "LeafEfforts.html" { columns hierarchindex, name, effort { hidecelltext ~isLeaf() } } # Report with link in title of calendar htmltaskreport "LinkURL.html" { columns hierarchindex, name, monthly { subtitleurl "Monthly-Detail-$${month}.html" } } # Report with link to page with furter task details htmltaskreport "LinkToTaskDetails.html" { columns hierarchindex, name { cellurl "TaskDetails-$${taskid}.html" hidecellurl ~isLeaf() }, start, end } # Report with index and task name combined in one single column htmltaskreport "CombinedColumn.html" { columns name { celltext "$${hierarchno} $${0}"}, start, end, weekly }