# poelstra@fedoraproject.org # December 2007 To build this TaskJuggler schedule yourself follow these steps: 1) Install TaskJuggler if you don't have it already $ su -c 'yum install taskjuggler' 2) Download all of the files in this source directory to a local directory. For example, $ mkdir ~/schedules $ cd !$ $ wget --no-directories -np --reject index.html\* -r http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-9/source/ 3) Build $ make 4) Look at what you did :) $ ls -la 5) To modify the schedule edit the source file. The source file can be edited directly with a text editor or using the TaskJuggler GUI. For example, $ vim f-9.tjp or $ TaskJugglerUI f-9.tjp